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Reasons Why Ants Invade Your Living Space?

A large colony of ant can be very unhealthy for our homes, and many of them sting badly. They can cause great damage to furniture, especially wooden furniture. So whenever you see the presence of ant in your house, take immediate action. Besides these, doesn’t it feel counterproductive to see a long line of ants snaking around your pantry or having a potted plant on your balcony?


Why are ants considered pests?

Although some ants are harmless, some species of ant can be considered pests. Here is a detailed explanation of why ants are considered pests.

Effects of Ants on Health and Hygiene

Ants carry germs – viruses, bacteria, harmful microbes and you often find them near dirty sources of food. Ant attract those disease-causing microbes that can cause fatal diseases by entering our bodies through food. Since they move in abundance, whenever they come into contact with unprotected or unwashed food lying in our homes, they can contaminate our food more effectively than any other type of insect. Having a large colony of red ant in the house can be a breeding ground for diseases like E. coli, salmonella, shigella, streptococcus, etc.

antsDestruction of property

In addition to spoiling the cleanliness of your home, ant can also cause considerable property damage.

One reason is carpenter ant. These ants are one of the largest species of ant worldwide, and like termites, they can cause immeasurable damage to the wooden structures in your home. The symptoms of their infection can be subtle and difficult to notice at first. If measures are not taken to deal with it. In that case, they may eat wooden structures such as furniture from within, consume the wood pulp, and demolish them by papering them and removing their rigidity and flexibility.

Ant are always on the lookout to build colonies and nest near sources of water, food, and heat. And it specializes in making holes and pits inside its walls, and furniture and even digging its garden to make mounds.

Ants are unattractive in appearance and create nuisance-

Ants are unattractive in appearance and can cause a nuisance if they outnumber their numbers. If you see an ant in your home, a colony is more likely to live nearby. By the time their colony is detected, they may have formed colonies in your attic, your garden premises, or even inside your home! Ant can reach almost anywhere due to their small size, and some of them can even have painful stings. Having red ant in the house can be a terrifying sign, and if you have any, you should consult an expert immediately.

Why is a professional pest control service better for eliminating ants?

  • These companies have a lot of experience. If you haven’t eliminated ants before, getting rid of them can be quite difficult. With experienced professionals, things can be a lot easier.
  • Professional ant control specialists can do a thorough cleaning job. Getting rid of ants permanently is a common question, and the methods can be tough. Their work begins with employing all relevant solutions to eliminate the level of infestation, the specific entry points of ants, their habitat within your premises, why the infestation is occurring, and finally, the entire ant population in your home.
  • Finding the hiding places of these ants and destroying them permanently is a very easy task for these experts, as they are usually local and have knowledge of many species of ants. They assess the problem and eliminate the group of ants permanently.

Ant can be seen everywhere whether in your home or outside the house. It is better to get rid of them before they bite, as they can harm your body. It would be better if you take a solution from a nearby pest control company. These companies are more effective in getting rid of insects in a better way. One such company is 24×7 pest control in Gurgaon, which helps in getting rid of all kinds of insects in very easy ways, whether it is your home or office. Contact us: 981003434

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