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As a homeowner managing a household budget, you may be asking, “Is annual pest control Important?” Although the answer to the question is “yes”, annual pest control is well worth the investment. Why? Because these seasoned professionals know how to solve all potential pest problems using commercial-grade pest control products. You should never put yourself or your home at risk by using DIY pest control products, especially if you have never used them before. Most annual plans include quarterly inspections and/or treatments, if not monthly, to make sure you stay safe.

Why is annual pest control worth it?

Pests are a nuisance in many ways. They not only spread dirt, but also spread diseases. Keeping your home pest free for good is conducive to good health. DIY pest control treats a problem when it is first noticed, but a professional annual pest control service prevents pest problems from occurring or recurring. This is the major difference between these services.

Pests are harmful to your health and your home

Various pests can damage your home and cause negative reactions as well. Annual pest control will tackle those annoying pests year-round. Below are some harmful household pests that can be treated by a professional service like 24x7pestcontrol. Most of these pests require treatment at least once a quarter, some even monthly. An annual pest control plan actually includes several treatments to ensure the safety of your property.


An annual inspection and treatment are usually enough to keep your property safe from termites. Our termite control services are designed to keep you safe and prevent any type of structural damage to your home or business.
How to control termite to affect your home


Mosquitoes not only proliferate and cause itching when bitten, but they also carry various diseases. West Nile and Zika virus are just two diseases you can get from these pests. Your pet can also suffer from mosquito bites. Since mosquitoes live in and around water, monthly treatments are needed.

How mosquitoes can affect your family


Ants are destructive pests that can damage your home and your lawn. They can also cause allergies when bitten. Some ants, such as fire ants or carpenter ants, develop large blisters where they bite, which can lead to scarring. Treatment for ants usually lasts about 3-4 months.



Cockroaches are nasty insects that not only carry disease, but shed, and their droppings can also cause respiratory illnesses in your home. Cockroaches of all kinds spread diseases. If you have a restaurant, you need to treat cockroaches every month.

6 Reasons Why You Have Cockroaches At Your Home?


Rodents are destructive creatures that also carry diseases. Rodents are associated with many diseases from their droppings or the fleas they carry. Quarterly attention to these pests is important, especially in high-risk homes, while restaurants require monthly attention.

How to get rid of rats

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks can carry many diseases that affect humans and are an absolute nuisance for your pet. Ticks can carry serious diseases such as Lyme disease, and fleas can carry many different bacterial infections.

flea infestations

Is Annual Pest Control for Your Home Worth It? – Yes

In addition to preventing diseases, professional pest control services can also physically protect your home. Ants, termites, and rodents can all be very destructive to your home. These pests can cause thousands of dollars in structural damage to your home, with much damage going unnoticed until it is too late.




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