Diseases From Houseflies
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Diseases From Houseflies

No one likes the buzz of flies that spread countless diseases. But it is also true that this common house fly ie ‘Musca Domestica’ has many unknown facts.

High speed
The antennae of a fly like a mosquito are smaller in size than that. The fly has a pair of large wings and a pair of small wing ‘halteres’, which serve to maintain balance while flying. The fly flaps its wings 200 to 400 times in a second.
disease from housefly
Doesn’t look right
The fly does not have eyelids on its eyes, so she constantly cleans them with her hands. The mosaic-like structure of the eye contains more than 4,000 lenses. Even after this, they are not clearly visible. Apart from this, they are not able to distinguish between colors properly.

Extraordinary hair
Flies have such a strong sense of smell that they can detect food even from a distance of two kilometers. While walking on something edible, the fly keeps on tasting it with its feet and the hair near the mouth. They get their smell from the hairs all over the body.

Short life
The average lifespan of a fly is about 30 days. In this short life, she has laid about 3,000 eggs, its chicks also come out of the eggs in 14 days.


Difference between male and female
It is difficult to differentiate between male and female flies. Females are usually slightly larger and may protrude slightly more at the end of their abdomen to lay eggs. The eyes of the male fly are slightly larger and meet on top of the head.

But stay away from this fly, this enchanting fly is also a carrier of about eighty types of diseases.

Diseases from houseflies:
disease from housefly

There can be serious diseases from Houseflies. House flies are responsible for transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, poliomyelitis, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy, and tuberculosis. Flies play an important role in transmitting diseases. In the summer season, the outbreak of flies increases just like mosquitoes. In such a situation, flies also cause diseases. To keep flies away from the house, it is important that you pay special attention to cleanliness in and around the house.

Here are some types of diseases from houseflies:

E. coli: Houseflies are known to transmit E. coli, a particularly bad disease that can cause diarrhea, blood in the stool, vomiting, stomach cramps, and fever. Symptoms appear about three to four days after infection, however, they can start at the end of two weeks.

Anthrax: Anthrax is a bacterial infection that occurs in four forms: skin, lung, intestine, and injection. This is a problem in which small swollen blisters form on the skin which will eventually turn into a painless ulcer with a black center. If the blister is left untreated, this infection can prove fatal.

Food poisoning:
Eating contaminated food can lead to food poisoning which can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, loss of appetite, and fever. Although food poisoning goes away on its own, it can be an extremely painful and unpleasant experience. Flies carrying certain pathogens can cause this disease only by landing on your food, so vigilance is important.

Take a look at our guide for flies control treatment in your home kitchen or even get rid of flies in a commercial kitchen. Contact us: +919810034344



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