What is Silverfish and Do they Affect Humans?
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What is Silverfish and Do they Affect Humans?

Silverfish prefer dark, moist places. They are often found in walls, basements, attics, bookshelves, storage rooms, sinks, and bathtubs. You can see signs of infection by seeing damage to wallpaper, holes in clothing, or even books you have in storage.

How do you know if you have a silverfish infestation?

Signs of silverfish infestation Keep an eye out for food marks, although they can be irregular, whether they are holes, ridges, or surface etchings. Yellow spots, scales, and/or feces (small black pellets like pepper) may also be seen on the infested material.What is Silverfish and Do they Affect Humans?

What is an infestation of silverfish? 

Identification and treatment of silver fish infection. Silver fish prefer moist areas. First, you’ll see them on the bathroom floor. There are more than hundreds of silver fish that exist in small holes in walls.  It doesn’t take long for the silver fish population to get out of hand.
Silver fish can damage homes and property, and sometimes they can cause allergies. In 2015 study noted that a person who is allergic to silver fish may experience respiratory symptoms. Silver fish peels contain a protein called tropomyosin, which can combine with other allergens and sometimes cause allergies. A person may also be allergic to silver fish drops. Silver fish can also pollute food products, such as flour and meat.

According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), symptoms of silverfish infection include:

Feeding marks such as holes, marks, or etching on the surface

Yellow spots or scales in the affected area

feces, which appear as small black pellets
What is Silverfish and Do they Affect Humans?
Is it bad to have silverfish?

Silver fish feed on items high in starchy content and protein.  Silverfish mostly affect at night and can damage your goods like books, stored food, and clothing.
Silver fish will appear in large numbers and plague your home if proper measures are not taken to control silverfish. It is necessary to take silverfish pest control seriously.

For the permanent solution of silver pest control, you can call us at +91- 9810034344. 24×7 pest control is providing the best services to get rid of silver fish. Enquire now about the fast services.

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